How do the Hours Spend on Gaming Affect You Being Physically Fit?

For our research question, we would like to compare the effect that gaming has on an individual being physically fit, if one exists. We have categorized the gaming action through the hours they play, as well as being physically fit through general health. The data we used was from the Health and Wellness Survey that was taken from different individuals. At a first glance, it is obvious that the graph might seem a bit complex but as you compare results the data becomes more understandable. Right here is a visual of the a Stacked diagram (Which is also known as the mosaic plot). This Description shows the most simplistic way of each result of each variable given. Which the variables are hours of video games played and numbers of general health.

This made us wonder if there was a correlation between students’ gaming for multiple hours and being healthy in a general matter actually relate. This study shows how the general health of a person actually decreases through the ¨good¨ variable the more that a person spends their time playing video games. Gaming actually does have an effect on being physically fit in comparison to the graphs above.

Although the values are a lot to take in and figure out by looking at them if a correlation actually exists, it is visible how the values change either by increasing or decreasing. We can see that the more hours you play as stated before, the more your general health is/ could be affected. You are more likely to have poor health if all you do is play games and not do anything that can better your health/ keep you physically active.

The concluding value for the cumulative probability is a given value of 1 which concludes that since it is over .95, the given variables are dependent and one does affect the other.
